FALL 2024
Please check back in soon as we prep for
The Winter's Tale - Unrehearsed.
A google form will be available to submit for auditions. If you would like to receive updates about our upcoming show and future oportunities please subscribe to our email list below.
2024 Season
Unrehearsed Shakespeare is just as it sounds. We will gather as players to perform Shakespeare, but the cast will not rehearse the show as an ensemble beforehand!
Instead, players are given scrolls containing their role and the last four words of the previous line to cue them as they jump into the scene.
Unrehearsed does not mean unprepared! We will host table reads and workshops led by Miguel Perez and Nicole Ohara that are open to the public. First, we'll analyze the text together to familiarize ourselves with all the characters and what makes them tick. Then, we'll jump to our feet and practice the unrehearsed Shakespeare technique. We will also lead workshops that will cover stage mechanics and exercises to hone an actor's stage presence.
Finally, we will perform the show for an audience so they can get in on the fun too!
Workshops are open to all, regardless of your relationship with Shakespeare. You may come and go as you please, attending as many or as few of the workshops as you'd like. However, if an actor would like to be included in the performances priority will be given to those who attended the majority of workshops.
Workshops will be held on the weekends in North Hollywood.
Interested? How to get involved:
Fill out the submission form for the project you'd like to participate in and we will follow up with workshop details.
If you have additional questions please email streetratmediagroup@gmail.com Subject Line: “TITLE” Unrehearsed
Working in large groups - Julie Amuedo, Natalie Nia, Ari Fromm, Natalia Ortega, Shanti Moore, Rebekah Side, Rani Solomon, Lola Darzens